Monday, October 3, 2016

Ashby Canal - part 2

From Market Bosworth north on the Ashby it was new territory for us - and we were quite surprised.

 Beautiful scenery

What's behind the willow tree - 
a house along the canal.


The one tunnel on the Ashby is the 250 yard long tunnel at Snarestone, about a mile before the end of current navigation.

Here's a flash photo from the front of the boat.

It doesn't look any bigger from the tiller, back of the boat, steering end.


The Ashby currently "ends" after 22 miles, where there is a winding (turning) hole so you can reverse direction. The last 9 miles of the original canal was abandoned.

Here we are moored at the end of navigation, with the winding hole beyond out stern. The swing bridge in the left of the image crosses the access to an additional 500 yards of restored canal.

Here is a section of the renewed canal.

Looking the other way towards the new end and a rebuilt bridge.

Here is the winding hole at the end of the new section - only for boats less than 55' long. You can see the path of the abandoned canal going onward between the trees.

Charlene by the winding hole.

This building was the Snarestone water pumping works. It is now a private home - 5 bedrooms and various other spaces in 7100 square feet. We had a chat with the owner, who admitted - "It is somewhat of a beast."

Beautiful day and couldn't resist this panorama of the boat.

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